The Perfect Playlist for Your 20’s

Back in the olden times when our grandparents and even our parents were legit buying homes and starting families, that was the norm and just what they did. Granted, homes cost a nickel or something like that. Today is, well, different. Thanks to some recessions, rising housing markets, crippling student debts, and an endless laundry list of other variables – being in your 20’s is now a weird, sort of adulthood purgatory. You’re an adult, yes but it’s a wild, wild west of emotions and uncertainty. With that, we’d like to offer a playlist that can help you through this decade of life.

20: Matchbox Twenty “3AM”

For some, being 20 means you’re hitting that turning point in college where a major is picked, finals are always looming and your “future” is closer than you think because the comfort blanket of school is nearing its end. You’re spending a lot of time up in the wee hours of the morning and you indeed feel lonely at the three o’clock hour as you worry about what lays ahead.

21: Demi Lovato feat. Cher Lloyd “Really Don’t Care”

By 21 your heart will have been broken into a million little pieces by at least one person. This is the perfect song to help you get over that piece of trash and move on with your life.

22. Allister “Overrated”

This is a deep cut for those who grew up in the pop punk realm of the early ‘00s, but it’s a goodie that deserves to be here because it perfectly sums up reaching that pivotal point in your life where college is over and the real world smacks you in the face. Leaving you to realize that adulthood, it’s overrated.

23. Blink-182 “What’s My Age Again?”

When you were merely 18, a 23-year-old seemed like a grown up but now that you’re celebrating the big 2-3 you’re realizing that you’re license may say 23, but inside (and out) you’re still acting like a senior in high school leaving you to question, “what’s my age again?”

24. “Destiny’s Child “Bills, Bills, Bills”

The reality of being an adult hits hard when you get that first bill in your name.

25. Jimmy Eat World “The Middle”

If you haven’t had at least one mental breakdown by 25, are you even human? You’re busy with work and because your social life revolves around a schedule you don’t make for yourself. That, on top of wondering if this job is worth it, if your friends care, and so many other things make you think you’re stuck in an endless cycle of despair but you just have to trust you’re in the middle of the ride, and that everything will be alright.

26. The Wonder Years “Passing Through the Screen Door”

30 is nearing and for those who have yet to “figure things out” continue to wonder if “did I f*ck up?” not realizing that everyone is asking themselves the same question no matter where they are in life at that moment.

27. SZA “20 Something”

As we’ve explored above, the latter half of your 20’s can be a whirlwind of emotions and this song perfectly sums that up, but never fear – it gets better.

28. Motion City Soundtrack “Everything Is Alright”

Being a nervous wreck is normal but know that everything is alright as you push forward.

29. Jetty Bones “Innocent Party”

Self-reflection is a part of growing up and accepting who you are is key to growing into who you were meant to be, so once you realize that – you’ll be in a better place before you step into your 30’s.

Written by Kendra Beltran

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