“Bad By Myself” – Michelle Ray

Relationships that leave you wanting to do nothing more than curl up in an emotionally unstable ball are, sadly, a commonality that those who put themselves out in the dating world will encounter. When those arise, we often find ourselves turning on the saddest playlists with one melancholy breakup song after the next. When really, what we need in those situations are songs like “Bad By Myself” by Michelle Ray. It touches on the negatives of relationships gone wrong but uplifts with an encouraging homage to self-empowerment. 

Michelle Ray will be the first to admit that before she met the man that would later become her husband that her dating pool was as toxic as Chernobyl. Although those many sour footnotes could’ve led her to sing the expected, she went a different route with “Bad By Myself.” She approached “bad” from a positive place and went on to pen, alongside Michael Blum, an anthemic breakup song that could be on a playlist alongside both the pop diva herself Ariana Grande and the soulful pianist herself, Alicia Keys. There’s a beautiful balance of modern pop notes as well as a vocal performance that comes from deep within the heart that is bound to impress everyone who comes across it. 

When a breakup happens, one has to look in the mirror and realize that the person that just exited their life wasn’t meant to be the star of their story. They can and will move on and be better for it. For an inspired moment, check out “Bad By Myself,” available now on all major music and streaming platforms. 

Written by Kendra Beltran

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