“Half Of You” by Biz Colletti

Are you aware that you exchange energy with someone when you are in a relationship? In “Half Of You ” by Biz Colletti, the connection of this example is exemplified by the fact that you always want to make sure the love you’re giving is being reciprocated. Known for her unconventional style of writing and music, Biz Colletti’s music ranges from experimental indie to haunting electro. Featuring sparse, ethereal production and synthes with lush vocal performances, Colletti’s music has a rich, layered soundscape. We had the pleasure of interviewing Biz Colletti and here is what she had to say:

Q: Hi Biz, welcome to the Music and Fashion Blog! I can see you’ve been busy making music? Tell me about the song “Half Of You”?

BIZ COLLETTI: During the writing of this song, Daniel Saint Black and Sam Tinnesz both had a relationship that wasn’t meeting our expectations. When people aren’t giving you 100% and in turn you don’t give them 100%. It’s this vicious cycle that will end up breaking the relationship unless something changes. Then the guilt of how it got there to begin with. It’s all so difficult to deal with and to comprehend but we tried to capture that moment in a song.

Q: I see you were in Florence, Italy. I got to live there for 6 months. What was one of your favorite moments of this trip? 

BIZ COLLETTI: Italy has a special place in my heart. I visited there when I was 19 and then again this year. Italy has so much history and culture that you just feel enveloped in. There’s something so authentic about the people and the food even with all the tourists and saturation. We traveled to Lake Como, Florence and Cinque Terre but I think out of all of those places Cinque Terre was the most profound for me. I’ve never been much of a city girl, so seeing how these tiny coastal towns operate and how they live off of what they have was mind blowing. The PESTO!! I think I left and would have bled pesto if someone were to cut me. It was magical. The sunsets, the food, the hospitality. I will absolutely be back.

Q: What’s your latest EP “Biz x Burns” about, and was it written about any particular events?

BIZ COLLETTI: Our BURИS x BIZ EP was written about lots of different events. I’ve struggled with depression for years so we wrote a lot about that. “Elevate me” was specifically about what we wanted out of a relationship. What are the words we crave to hear from someone and what we want to feel? Being lifted up by someone who knows and loves you BECAUSE of all of your scars and wounds. Then we have You Are Not A Ghost which is really a song I wrote about family members who struggle. I wanted them to know they weren’t alone and their pain was not invisible to me.

Q: You are unapologetically beautiful in front of the camera, making you look Vogue-ready. Have you ever modeled and which magazine publisher would you choose if you could be on the cover?

BIZ COLLETTIThank you so much for the wonderful compliment!! I am truly flattered. I’ve never fully considered modeling! I’ve done a couple small things here and there but not much beyond that. If I had to pick one fashion magazine to be on the cover of I think it would have to be Vogue. That would be such an honor considering their reputation and how much I have been influenced by them! A girl can dream!

Q: Do you plan on touring? If so, any dates or locations you would consider?

BIZ COLLETTII would absolutely LOVE to tour! Travel is one of my favorite things to do and I love exploring new places. I also love small towns. If there are people who would come to my shows I would absolutely tour! Just hasn’t worked out like that yet, but hopefully in the near future!

Q: I love to see female artists such as yourself that are multi-talented. I see your amazing flow when you dance. How has this helped you on your journey as an artist?

BIZ COLLETTI: Growing up as a dancer completely shaped who I am as an artist and a person. I try to keep the lessons I learned and emulate them in my everyday life as well as in my art. There’s so much grace and emotion and vulnerability in dance that I love so much. That authenticity, the joy, the despair that you can feel just watching someone. That’s exactly what I want people to feel when they hear me sing. That raw emotion and vulnerability. That’s one thing I wish everyone would do more of. Let themselves feel everything. Not just the positive things. It’s how you live life to its fullest. Even when it’s challenging. My dance teachers in Wisconsin made sure that’s what they emulated and I am forever grateful for them. I couldn’t have asked for a better upbringing
and shaping. They are the reason I am who I am.

Interviewed by Shertara Brazil





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