“Crime & Justice” by Teck-Zilla & LANRAY X Ft. LXNDA

Crime worldwide has been at an all-time high, but Nigeria has ranked #17. With justice, we experience a story with “Crime and Justice” by Teck-Zilla & Lanray ft. LXNDA. As for the people, we must bring peace and light while we blast this track. We had the pleasure of interviewing Teck-Zilla, and here is what he had to say:

Q: With multiple gifts under your belt, such as being a producer, sound engineer, writer, and DJ, what is your favorite song you created and why?

TECK-ZILLA: This is a tough question as I have many favorite songs, but I would go with” Lightbulb over my head while I’m thinking” by Allen Poe. The instrumental was created during a somewhat low point in my life, and Allen Poe could replicate the track’s somberness with his songwriting. The arrangement is also weird as the verses are eight bars long and less than two minutes, so Poe’s ability to pour his thoughts within that short time frame was exceptional. Half long, twice strong, was the motto for this one.

Q: Could you give us a deeper meaning and story behind “Crime & Justice”?

TECK-ZILLA: Well, it has many stories behind it. Lanray was chronicling the lives of the average Nigerian trying to make a living out of scraps. With little to no basic amenities, corrupt politicians, crooked cops, and other social issues, Lanray paints a picture of the ultimate hunger games in Africa’s third most populous city.

Q: What was your favorite moment collaborating with LXNDA and Lanray for this project?

TECK-ZILLA:It was fun; they are longtime collaborators, so we already have a specific chemistry. The only difference was Lanray recorded in pain with one arm, he was involved in a car accident before that, but he pulled through to make the record happen. LxNDA (Alexiz) was always professional and recorded two songs that day.

Q: What would you say is the most rewarding part of being a DJ?

TECK-ZILLAThe access. Many DJs would admit that being responsible for being the life of the party allows us access to places we might not usually have. This is a beautiful thing, of course, as you connect with people of different backgrounds and potential clients.

Q: What is the most challenging thing about being a musician?

TECK-ZILLAI want to keep up with the times and be consistent. It’s often easy to be complacent, but that would be highly detrimental to one’s career. So the idea is to stay consistent and keep pushing. either “Siamese Dream” by Smashing Pumpkins or “Jailbreak” by Thin Lizzy.

Q: What skills do you think DJs need to be successful?

TECK-ZILLA: You need to be a people person and be patient. You need to be open to new things and ideas and remember your job is to rock the crowd, so give them the best show of their lives.ems go!

Interviewed by Shertara Brazil





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