“Hypothetical” – Miranda Glory

When you’re in a relationship that goes sour in the worst way possible, it’s hard to let go of every insecurity and fear when a new person enters your life. As humans, we can only let go of so much of the hurt, and for some reason always have at least a carry-on size when it comes to baggage from a previous relationship – and that makes it hard to accept a new, good person. “Hypothetical” by Miranda Glory is an anthemic moment for all those who are skeptical about a good thing standing right in front of them.

Not every song a singer performs comes from a personal place, but I have to believe Miranda Glory was singing from somewhere deep within on “Hypothetical” because you could hear it in every inflection that escaped her lips. If this song doesn’t want to make you take a chance on love, then I’m not sure what will. It’s not only a song that encourages people to take a chance on love once more, but it’s a hanging R&B track that could be placed alongside the likes of Ariana Grande on the top mainstream stations yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

A bad relationship has the power to impact how we move forward, but we need to be strong, listen to songs like “Hypothetical” by Miranda Glory and move on with our lives, and give love a chance, again and again until the perfect partner does come along – because they will. For those looking for musical encouragement or for those just wanting a new song to chill out to, check out the latest from Miranda Glory. It’s available now on all major music and streaming sites. 

Written by Kendra Beltran

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