“Modern Disaster” by Eveline

Last month, talented German artist Eveline released a lyrically and sonically captivating song titled “Modern Disaster.” We had the pleasure of interviewing Eveline, and here’s what she had to say:

Q: I love the haunting sound of “modern disaster”! What was your inspiration for this song?

EVELINE: A night out with a ‘situationship’ where I pretty much reflected on modern consumption behaviour in dating and the fear of being alone.

Q: Did you have a clear direction/idea of how you wanted this song to sound before you started creating it or did it come to you in bits and pieces?

EVELINE: I recorded a demo of a song called ‘modern disaster’ pointing out the social topic ‘co-dependency’ written with a different, more distant narrative before. I listened back to it some months later and I didn’t like it enough anymore. I felt there was a connection to my life missing that makes it relatable. I was digging deep enough. So I wrote and recorded a new ‘modern disaster’ one night in the studio and it turned out to be the title track of my album. To me, it sums up the ‘in-between’ stage of this record pretty much.

Q: How did you get into creating music?

EVELINE: Well, I come from writing. Writing short stories and poems since I was little. Didn’t like my surrounding and myself when I was younger… so I started creating different characters. I thought they needed their own soundtracks, like little episodes of a movie. Doing all of that in English when you’re not a native is a challenge. But I’m always up for a good challenge ; )

Q: That sounds very interesting and creative! What would you say is your best memory from your musical journey, so far?

EVELINE: This album process and to be able to perform on bigger venues when I was playing support for Adam Lambert a couple of years ago for example : )

Q: Outside of music, what do you enjoy doing?

EVELINE: A quality conversation, cooking dinner for friends, moving my body to good music.

Q: What projects are you currently working on?

EVELINE: The next musical chapter, performing life as much as I can.

Interviewed by Zoey King









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