“Gotta Be” by Isabella Chiarini

Isabella Chiarini’s fresh track, “Gotta Be” just dropped on January 8th, 2025. It stands out as an anthemic synthy pop bump with great energy and a powerful message.

“Gotta Be” has that girly pop anthem energy with exciting synths that have an energetic drone and vocals delivered with passion. This track has a dynamic flow, introducing and pulling back elements throughout. For example, the beginning starts with a synthy keyboard sound and vocals. Then the bass comes in which is followed by brighter dreamy synths. After this, the chorus is full as the synths seem to float around the mix, a snappy hi-hat heavy percussion pushes the flow forward, and bass enters that rests nicely in the background. At around 01:52, things pull back for a simple piano sound with some harmonies and vocals on top. This comes before the energy builds for a strong finish.

One of the strongest parts of this track is the vocals. They hit belts and some brassy tones delivered in a head voice, all with an emotional edge. As the musical energy flows, so do the vocals. They hit hard in the chorus, and are strongly delivered with less of a punch and more of a smooth flow in the verses. Additionally, the way they’re produced and layered builds resonance and fullness. They reverberate through the music in a way that shines through with passion and craftsmanship.

The lyricism in this track throws a lot of emotion into the bop of the music. It captures a relationship in which another isn’t there when things fall apart. The chorus rings out, “Why do you gotta be the one that makes it tough? Why do you gotta be?” It expresses pain and disconnect, while it points jabs at a partner in the first verse. The second verse then depicts a partner who controls without thought and expresses that that person must, “pay the price.” Then, there’s a bridge that shares feelings of being trapped with wanting said partner to be around and a willingness to put up a fight. 

To sum things up, this track, musically, is a dance-pop banger filled with heart when it comes to the instrumentation. The synthy instrumental style is full of life, and the vocals show a lot of power. They also show the ability to work this power with stellar production value. It sounds fun and full of life. Then, the lyrics contrast this with a story of hurt, heartbreak, and yearning. Put together, it encapsulates the work of a powerful musician who knows how to tell an emotional story.

Isabella Chiarini is a Hamilton, Ontario singer-songwriter with a pop basis who brings in a wide range of influences. Chiarini started studying music when she was 8 years old and immediately started auditioning and singing in contests to eventually sign with PCG Universal. Her goal is to be authentic and empowering by using her own experiences to relate to listeners. She already has a cleanly produced and diverse discography, and that’s sure to keep evolving as she moves forward!






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