“All The Things You’d Ruin” – Meg Smith

“All The Things You’d Ruin” by Meg Smith is a catchy song chock full of particular, flowery, vividly imaginative lyrics. With the flow of a song like “We Didn’t Start The Fire,” but with a modern, trendy, and irreverently charming twist, it curates the most sing-along-able chorus you’ll ever hear. Meg Smith’s music really boils down and precipitates youth–and all the feelings and images associated with it. The driving electric guitars and angsty vocal performance really drive home the atmosphere, solidifying it as an effortlessly cool pop anthem.

A spacey, chorus-laden cluster of electric guitar strums starts us off. Meg carves out a soft melody on top, ushered along by a thumping drum groove. The pre-chorus arrives and she slowly climbs the scale, building toward the shouted apex: “But you’ll ruin it all if things go wrong!” A rush of distorted power chords fills the mix. The lyrics take on more of a list form, describing activities, things, people–you name it. They slide into the pocket with ease and rhyme in all the right places. It’s an iteration of a classic type of lyric, but with its own individual flair. Later on, an eruption of frenetic drums makes it even more infectious. You’re left delighted and hoping for another repetition.

If you’re looking for a song to make you feel invincible, this’ll do the trick. Meg Smith never fails to create cheeky, clever, indulgent music full of drama and ultimately, fun. “All The Things You’d Ruin,” is just another pristine example.



Written by Alyce Lindberg

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