“Ohio” – Clubhouse

We had the pleasure of interviewing Clubhouse, and here’s what they had to say:

Q: Could you walk us through your creative and production process for “Ohio”?

CLUBHOUSE: The chorus actually came about when we were working with producer Diamond Pistols over a totally different instrumental. A little while later we ended up taking the vocal idea and writing/producing an entirely different instrumental underneath it ourselves. After that, our friend Jackson Morgan helped us crack the code on the verse melodies, and then we teamed up with another producer, Mads Christensen (mcdc), to take it to the finish line! The lyrics came from us just being in a headspace of missing life in Ohio but also wanting to be out here in LA, pursuing our dreams. Not only did we want to tell that story directly, but we wanted to put that feeling into the instrumentation too.

Q: What effect do you want your music to have on listeners?

CLUBHOUSE: We hope we’re providing a soundtrack for peoples’ lives… something to dance to when your day couldn’t get any better, and something to cry to when you just gotta let it out! We’ve always wanted our music to feel like we’re inviting you into the family. We want our music to inspire listeners to seize the day, appreciate every moment for what it is, and do it all with the people you love. With this new batch of music, we’re opening up a window into our lives, showing listeners our raw unfiltered selves. Hopefully, that vulnerability makes them feel more comfortable doing the same.

Q: I like your band name, Clubhouse. What inspired this choice?

CLUBHOUSE: At Ari and Zak’s house growing up, there was a separate little building in the back that the three of us would always hang out in with our friends, listening to music, writing on the walls, playing video games, whatever. When we started thinking of a band name, “Clubhouse” felt like a no-brainer, and represented it all with one word.

Q: What do you do before a show to get rid of nerves or performance anxiety?

CLUBHOUSE: Usually, Zak reads off a few knock-knock jokes on the back of some taffy taffys—that always does the trick!

Q: If you could perform at any venue in the world right now, where would you love to perform?

CLUBHOUSE: It’s always so much fun to play hometown shows, and with this “Ohio” release, nothing sounds more fun than playing a show at the Newport or somewhere in Columbus!

Q: Who is one artist that has had a significant influence on your sound as a band?

CLUBHOUSE: Naming just one is always so hard, but a group that always comes to mind is Coldplay. They’re an inspiration to us and their songs had a huge impact on us growing up!

Interviewed by Zoey King








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