“Famous” by Zoe Sparks

Q: I like the emotive songwriting of “Famous”! Did any real-life events occur in your life that inspired the song?

SPARKS: Yes, I have many talented and successful friends who inspired me to write this song. The lyrics are about the inner struggles of being proud of those friends, yet still comparing myself to them.

Q: What did you enjoy most about making this song?

SPARKS: I enjoyed making this song, as I do all of my songs, because it was a collaborative effort with my best friends. I have an amazing group of producers and arrangers that always make the process exciting.

Q: How has growing up in Los Angeles and attending Berklee College of Music influenced your music?

SPARKS: My music has been influenced by the people I surround myself with. Being a Berklee student means learning and growing with people of all backgrounds and skill sets, and I have found that this has helped me develop as a musician and songwriter the most.

Q: Who would you most like to collaborate with, if it could be anyone in the world?

SPARKS: If I were to collaborate with anyone, it would be Anderson .Paak. He has been one of my biggest influences and favorite artist for as long as I can remember, and I really admire his artistry.

Q: What do you do when you AREN’T working on music?

SPARKS: When I am not working on music, I spend lots of my time cooking with my friends. I also love other art mediums such as painting and sewing.

Q: What projects are currently in the works?

SPARKS: I have a song coming out next month that has been in the works for two years! I am very excited to share it with the world. My band and I are also planning to travel to new places this year to play shows outside of our New England bubble.

Interviewed by Zoey King




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