“Take It Slow” – LOVETA

“Take It Slow” is a simple yet powerful ballad topped with the serenading, heartfelt vocals of Lauren Marshall. This artist knows what she is doing – her singing is extremely dynamic. At the climax of the piece she belts it out with well-trained pipes, yet at other times she uses breathy vocals just soft and alluring enough to make the hair on your arm stand up. The song’s simplicity opens up a vulnerable space to speak about relationships. LOVETA is definitely an artist to keep on your radar. We had the honor of interviewing LOVETA and here is what she had to say:

Q: What is the story behind your stage name?

LOVETA: It’s kind of an interesting story of how ‘LOVETA’ came about. I really wanted a stage name that was somewhat similar to my first name ‘Lauren’, but also quite unique and that made a statement. So I researched for a while and found the name LOVETA on a baby name website, which said that the meaning of it was “a woman who is wolf-like”. I instantly connected with that, and I also liked how the word ‘love’ was included in the word – as I feel like my music has heart. So that’s where it all started!

Q: Describe your creative process for “Take It Slow”.

LOVETA: ‘Take It Slow’ was written in one evening back in 2021, when I was going through a conflicting and confusing time emotionally. I remember sitting down to play my guitar and the song flowing out of me pretty quickly., but I felt an amazing sense of relief to have it out of my head. The demo was originally quite a light and minimal, until we started playing around with the arrangement in the studio. I wanted to add soft drums to it, and next thing I know it becomes a full blown ballad with rock guitars… but I’m happy that it went in that direction because it’s sounds so epic now, and pays homage to my rockier side. I listened to a lot of Lana Del Rey and Led Zeppelin around the time I wrote the track, and I think there’s definitely a fusion of a lot of musical genres happening in there.

Q: What was the first concert you ever went to, and who was it?

LOVETAI: In the same way I do! Just turn it up, sing along and feel good, if only for a couple of minutes. I wasn’t trying to be Leonard Cohen or anything when I wrote this, I wanted to have a no-nonsense song that got to the point My first concert/show I ever went to was actually the opera ‘La Boheme’, as I was super into theatre and opera when I was young. But my first real concert was a festival in New Zealand called ‘The Big Day Out’ which had a bunch of bands including My Chemical Romance, Soundgarden, and Kasabian. It was incredible.

Q: Has your style evolved since starting your music career?

LOVETA: Yes, I feel like my style has slowly begun to evolve since releasing my debut EP ‘More Than Fun’ last year. It was definitely a dance pop/disco/funk inspired body of work, which I loved creating, but in 2023 I’ve felt like exploring other sides of myself that aren’t so upbeat. I will always write happy pop tunes, but I know I have more to offer than that, as well as a lot of depth to my songwriting. So I’m enjoying seeing what I create at the moment. I’m influenced by everything from R&B to rock, to electronic and soul/blues, it’s fun to mix things up!

Q: If you can only take one album with you, what would you take? What would you be doing if you weren’t doing music?

LOVETA: If I wasn’t pursuing music I’d definitely be focussing on acting. I’ve trained in singing, dance, and acting my whole life and being on stage is the best feeling in the world. I’m also fascinated by the creation of a character and storytelling, so I think it fits quite well alongside being an artist. If music is number one, acting comes a close second.

Q: What’s next for you?

LOVETA: My plan for the rest of the year so far is to keep writing and playing shows as much as possible. My next show is on May 5th here in Christchurch, New Zealand, and I have a few exciting music collaborations in the works as well. All running smoothly, I’ll be releasing more music over the next few months and hopefully be back on stage and busy with new projects. Stay tuned!

Interviewed by Shelbi Welsh





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