“Raven” by Evernoir is a combination of fierce screams, dynamic guitar riffs, and powerful clean vocals. Evernoir has an impressive vocal range and the ability to switch from harsh growls to a clearer tone. The blend of the heaviness of the lyrics with melodic and symphonic elements creates a captivating and unique listening experience. “Raven” an alternative metal/ rock song about the struggle and complexities of mental health, conveying a powerful message about self-discovery and the quest for happiness in midst of suicidal ideations. Evernoir longs for peace and tranquility in their lives, but they seem to be grappling with self-hatred and feeling as though they are on the verge of collapse. The vulnerability and introspection in the lyrics make the song a raw and relatable expression of human emotions and the longing for inner healing and growth.
Written by Gabrielle LaRochelle
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