“Head over heels” – By Bread and Mountain

By Bread and Mountain will get you at the first guitar riff. Their undeniable indie rock flavor is mesmerizing. “Head over heels” is anthem against all the pressures of society. At times it is reminiscent of the Black Keys with its catchy riffs, rhythms, and gritty vocals. We had the pleasure of interviewing By Bread and Mountain, and here is what they had to say:

Q: Is there a metaphoric meaning to “by bread and mountain” or do you guys just really like the two?

By Bread and Mountain: We once stated the quote ‘bread for the body and mountains for the soul’ meaning:

We are as a band the cozy comforting bread as much as we are the rough rustic mountains. It’s a name that shows the different sides of our music. We don’t discriminate in musicality each song answers to a different feeling that can be simple or complex.

We yearly go to a cabin deep into the hills with our instruments, fireworks and have the best times of our lives. That’s how it all started.. the place and the beginning (named Nisramont in Belgium).

Q: You’ve dealt with mental health issues. How does this song affect you Tell us the creative process for “Head Over Heels”.

By Bread and Mountain: Well, it was during the pandemic and between the lockdowns as we first started working on this song in the basement of our drummer.

There was a lot going on in our lives and uncertainty in the pandemic. so, we decompressed by playing as much music as possible (illegal or not).

Like all of our songs, it just comes and we know it’s something we immediately connect and want to finish as soon as possible. That feeling stays until we record it and we start fine tuning.

There is a lot resistance against conformity in ‘head over heels’. The song is about the escape of falling in love head over heels, getting caught in the flow but also resisting against the expectations of mainstream concepts regarding this subject.

We had a strong urge to be ourselves in times of the pandemic due we came in contact for the first time with a lot of restrictions of things that are obvious for us and threatened our freedom.

Q: What is your favorite kind of bread?

By Bread and Mountain: Mountain bread™ from Australia

It’s healthy flatbread and originates a traditional recipe from the Lebanese community in the mountains of Lebanon.It has soon become known throughout Australia as a unique, thin, soft textured flatbread using a traditional recipe that has been handed down through generations.
We share the name and passion in doing what we love.

Q: What do you feel sets your band apart from other bands?

By Bread and Mountain: The biggest one is our musical diversity.. we’re influenced from all fronts from the musical spectrum which gives us space to evolve in a broad sense. Most bands define themselves in one genre and reflect and project by this style (which we respect a lot but don’t aspire). We want to play what we feel without restrictions. It can be indie pop today and heavily induced punk tomorrow. Maybe in a few months or years we will embrace a few genres but for now this isn’t the case.

Open minded for other collaborations with talented people. we’re working with amazing graphic designers/ video-makers such as Bertrand De Bock, photographers and keep looking for people who inspire through other mediums or materials. People that express themselves and love what they do.

What we highly value is just having fun and stay casual! We’re a young band and are very humbled of the support we’ve got from the people. We want to ride this wave as long as possible and cherish everyone in the proces.

Q: What’s been your favorite moment or achievement as a band so far?

By Bread and Mountain: Currently recording our EP due this was an amazing studio ( Number Nine Studios). It was such a relaxed vibe and we learned so much during that week. It defined us as a musician for the coming years.

Probably after 17th May it will be our EP-release party! We’re really putting in the work to make this one memorable.

The most of all, the constant support of our friends, family and fans. And maybe it sounds cliche but we know the best moments still have to come!

Q: What are the upcoming plans for the band?

By Bread and Mountain: We’re in multiple finals of Belgian rock rally’s and working on new songs so we can go back in the studio around the end of the year.

Next year we aim for larger festivals, maybe an album and definitely a lot of fun!

Interviewed by Shelbi Welsh



Apple Music


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