“Dramamine” by Townsend

It’s always challenging to get out of a toxic relationship when you love the person. But something has to give before you lose yourself. Fast-rising artist Townsend dissects an unhealthy relationship with his pain, fiery and heartfelt new single, “Dramamine”. We had the pleasure of interviewing Townsend, and here is what he had to say:

Q: Where were you born, where were you raised and where are you now based?  

TOWNSEND: I was born in Nashville, Tennessee, USA but most of my life I grew up on a farm in rural Ohio before returning back to Nashville in 2017.

Q: What kind of emotions and experiences influence your work?  

TOWNSEND: Usually I draw from negative, sad, or upsetting experiences. This is because when I’m in that headspace I want to get those emotions out a lot of the time it’s either from personal anxiety / stress or from relationship issues / breakups. Writing about that kind of stuff has always seemed to help me get through it.

Q: What’s a bad habit you wish you could kick?

TOWNSEND: Ooo this is a tough one. I wish I could put my phone down more often throughout the day. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m determined to try to follow through with that one haha.

Q:When did you find your confidence as an artist? 

TOWNSENDI think I have just recently found my confidence as an artist maybe in this past year or two. I still feel like I have a long way to go but the past year has felt smoother than the others and I think I’m a lot closer to that “sound” I’ve been looking for since I started writing and producing.

Q: Give us the backstory for “Dramamine”? 

TOWNSENDBasically “Dramamine” is about a relationship and breakup I have been through (shocker, I know). I became emotionally invested in someone who had some mental health issues and unhealthy coping mechanisms. This isn’t always the most suitable match for someone like me who also has those same issues. I still really care about them and don’t have any resentment towards them at all but at the time it was really stressful trying to make things work. I wouldn’t change the way things happened because i because i learned a lot about myself in the process.

Q: What can you tell us about your next project?

TOWNSEND: I’m working on my next song right now. I plan to release at the end of April/early May and then hopefully I’ll have an EP ready for the fall.

Interviewed by Shertara Brazil





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