Hidden Music Gems

Listening to undiscovered new music is our passion here at Music & Fashion Blog. Here are some tracks that we have unearthed for your listening pleasure:

Sentiom – No Limits

Very much as its own title suggests, “No Limits” by Sentiom features an expansive soundscape that continually builds upon itself. Starting on a dark synth note, “No Limits” gradually unfolds itself to reveal a series of ravishing beats.

Stoddard Blackall – Sweet Janine

“Sweet Janine” is a piano rock romp by singer-songwriter Stoddard Blackall about how it feels when someone has a wicked hold over you. “Sweet Janine” is not a sugar and spice love song because it is more akin to an addiction you cannot kick.

Sadkin – Tongue Tied

“Tongue Tied” by Sadkin is the technicolor synthwave ballad of your dreams. Aside from its purposeful piano, wiry chords and tumbling drums, “Tongue Tied” features various shades of synth ranging from cool hues to fiery tones.

Marty O’Neill – The Queen’s Clothes

“The Queen’s Clothes,” the new single by Annapolis, Maryland singer-songwriter Marty O’Neill, is a jangly, roots rock cut. Piercing riffs and tumbling drums provide a rough and tumble foundation for this track.

xther – Delicacy

Wrenching vocals and a harrowing, synth-laden melody highlight “Delicacy” by xther. After a simple piano-led intro, “Delicacy” transforms into a nefarious melody that implores you to be on guard for whatever happens to be lurking about.

Jeff Adams – Without You

“Without You” by Jeff Adams displays a unique blend of symphonic sensibilities that are fused together with a subtle, rhythmic bass. Altogether, “Without You” can feel like it is both classically structured and a simple, chill beat.

Christian Schormann – Essence

Christian Schormann’s atmospheric creation, “Essence,” features ethereal vocals by Ivy Marie. The melodic base of “Essence” calls to mind the herky jerky movements of a primitive automaton firing to life.

Matia – Doin’ What We Do

Singer-songwriter Matia’s single, “Doin’ What We Do,” begins with a sly combination of bass and piano before undergoing a more jubilant transformation during each chorus. In addition, Matia has an ever-inviting vocal presence.

Sidesister – Lovelock

“Lovelock” by New Zealand mother-daughter duo, Sidesister, is a melodic fusion influenced by a prevalent, smooth jazz element. Aside from eschewing the conventions of genre, “Lovelock” has low-key exultant moments that punctuate its more contemplative stretches.

Miya Sky – Romeo

“Romeo,” by Canadian singer-songwriter Miya Sky, exists within a dream-tastic filter of jangles, acoustics, drums and bass. Altogether, “Romeo” artfully glides along an ethereal melodic plane.

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