“Keep These Flowers” – Connor McCutcheon

We had the pleasure of interviewing Connor McCutcheon, and here’s what he had to say:

Q: At what point did you decide that you want to be a musician? How did your family react to this?

MCCUTCHEON: I decided to chase the dream of being a full-time musician after my first sold-out show in Chattanooga. It was so special to have the support of friends, family, and even people I didn’t know yet. This made me realize how special music was to me and how passionate I am about writing and performing.

Q: What is your favorite memory from your musical journey so far?

MCCUTCHEON: So far, my favorite musical memory has been the signing of my very first publishing deal. It has been something I’ve worked extremely hard for and to see a long-term goal pay off made me realize that anything is possible.

Q: How do you balance your music career with your social life/other obligations?

MCCUTCHEON: Between writing and performing, most of my time is dedicated to music. That being said, I’m passionate about the relationships in my life and try to make sure that I have time to spend with my friends and family by just being intentional with the time I get to spend with them.

Q: When did you know “Keep These Flowers” was complete and ready for release?

MCCUTCHEON: I knew “Keep These Flowers” was ready to see the world when I went to Addiction Sound Studios with my dad and my producer David Kalmusky and listened down to the final mix. We were all blown away and realized we had created something truly special.

Q: What effect would you like this song to have on listeners?

MCCUTCHEON: I hope “Keep These Flowers” gives people something to relate to whether they are in a relationship or not. Many of the comments on social media showed how relatable the song was to many people’s current relationship situations. This inspired me to take the demo that we teased on social media into the studio and create an emotional masterpiece that I hope connects with everyone that hears it.

Q: What’s your favorite genre for creating songs? Which do you think allows you to express yourself in a way that most matches your personality?

MCCUTCHEON: I love writing country music. I grew up on a variety of pop, R&B, and rock and take most of my inspiration from those genres and implement them into writing country music. For me, I’ve always gravitated towards pop melodies and it’s been interesting to see how I can take these melodies and chord progressions and combine them with poetic country lyricism. I think this combination matches me and my artistry the best!

Interviewed by Zoey King







Apple Music

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