“I Need an Adult” – Nette

We had the pleasure of interviewing Nette, and here’s what she had to say:

Q: What started your musical journey? Did you always know you’d become a musician?

NETTE: I grew up in a musical family and would go to shows and see my mom sing on stage and thought “I want to do that!” I started playing guitar and writing as a teenager and since then music’s been a huge part of my life.

Q: What do you like the most about being able to create music?

NETTE: My favourite part is the songwriting! It’s like my own personal therapy and the process of taking a feeling and transforming it into a song and all the elements that go into that is really cool.

Q: I like how relatable “I Need an Adult” is! How did the idea for this song develop?

NETTE: Thank you so much! I wrote this song with the production duo Velveteen Music. I had the first couple of lines and melody recorded in my voice memos “I thought 28 would hit different.” I’m at a point in my life (as I think a lot of us in our mid-late 20s are) where maybe you imagined having a family and buying a house but honestly, you still feel like you’re just learning how to be a functional adult. Going off that concept we got the track vibing and from there I came up with the hook “I Need An Adult!”

Q: What would you like your music to mean to people now and in the future?

NETTE: I want my music to hopefully make some people feel seen. I think that’s all I’m ever trying to do with my songwriting is make that emotional connection. And I’m going to keep writing them for as long as people still want to listen : )

Q: What is one aspect you would personally say is the most stressful about releasing new music?

NETTE: Definitely the pressure of putting out a release is the most stressful part. You’re putting something out that represents you and your work and how it performs can feel like a direct reflection on you the artist. That can feel exciting and scary at the same time. But all you can do is put out the music you love and keep growing and learning from each release!

Q: Who’s one artist you would love to work with at some point?

NETTE: If we’re talking pure fantasy, Taylor Swift!! She’s been my idol from day one and has inspired me so much. Writing a song with her would be a dream!

Interviewed by Zoey King






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