“Trouble” by Elli Ingram

We had the pleasure of interviewing Elli Ingram, and here’s what she had to say:

Q: I absolutely love your voice! You probably get told you remind people of Amy Winehouse a lot right? What was the first concert you attended and how would you say it influenced your choice to become a musician?

INGRAM: Funny you mention Amy, I can’t remember the first concert I went to but the one gig I do remember was Amy’s show at the Brighton centre in 2007. Seeing her and her band up on the stage was such an inspiring moment for me. She’s my all time favourite and so I’m glad I got to see her shine.

Q: What do you like the most about creating music?

INGRAM: The space, it allows me to speak my truth. I find it so hard to be articulate and honest in my day to day life but when I sit down to write a song it just falls out of me.

Q: What’s the story behind “Trouble”?

INGRAM: I wrote this when I was in a really shit place in my relationship. I remember when I was writing this song I spent most of the day crying in the studio. Knowing something you love isn’t working anymore is a terrifying place to be in and that’s exactly where I was when I wrote this song.

Q: What do you want your music to say?

INGRAM: I don’t really think about what I want my music to say as such. I just think about what I need to say so I can offload and move forward.

Q: Is there anything else you could see yourself doing full-time if you weren’t a musician?

INGRAM: Hmmm, honestly not really no. Don’t get me wrong I have other passions. I love to cook, I love fashion but music is all I know and all I want.

Q: Can you give us a peek into what you have planned for this year regarding your music?

INGRAM: There’s going to be loads of incredible shows. I’ve spent so long working on this album I know want to put on the show it deserves. I have some festivals throughout the summer and a tour at the end of the year so make sure you all grab some tickets!

Interviewed by Zoey King








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