“7 minutes in heaven” – RISK

In recent years Travis Barker has been sprinkling his magical pop-punk dust around and invigorating this reemergence of pop-punk, which has been great but there’s been something missing in the sauce he’s been brewing. Well, it’s been found in “7 minutes in heaven” by RISK. As welcoming as the doors opening at 11am at Warped Tour in 2007, “7 minutes in heaven” is reminiscent of the pop-punk that owned the pop-punk scene once upon a time. 

“7 minutes in heaven” sounds like a song you’d find on a sampler passed out to you while in line for the likes of All Time Low back in 2009. Riddled with nostalgic regrets and woes but made vibrant with that classic pop-punk delivery encased in a more lively tone, RISK took a chance and it paid off with this one. As someone who came of age during that time, I can attest this is a song that would’ve killed at the summer festival then, and will be a favorite among those newcomers to the pop-punk genre today. 

A solid debut, RISK is recommended to those who love the aforementioned All Time Low, and also the likes of The Maine and We The Kings. A great song to sing along to in the car or to sing your heart out to live, “7 minutes in heaven” is it. One can only hope there is more to come and RISK does not leave us hanging. To hear this one, make sure to check out RISK on all major music and streaming platforms today.

Written by Kendra Beltran

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